Safeguarding and Pastoral Care - Al-Ashraf Primary School and Nursery, Gloucester

Safeguarding and Pastoral Care

Safeguarding at Al-Ashraf Primary School

We take the safety of all of our children extremely seriously at Al-Ashraf. All our staff receive regular training throughout the year. We listen carefully to our children and ensure that they have the opportunity to express their emotions so they can be happy in school.

All safeguarding personnel wear a yellow sticker on their school ID badges.

Mrs K Panchbhaya (Deputy Head Teacher) - Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr A Patel (Head Teacher) - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Z Patel (Senior Educational Advisor) - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Dariai is the Safeguarding governor and Mr (Maulana) Abdullah AH Patel is the Chair of Governors.

The school's safeguarding policy is available here to view.

Contact details:

Mrs K Panchbhaya:

Mrs Dariai:

Mr (Maulana) Abdullah AH Patel:

If you are concerned about a child or young person and want to speak to someone, contact the children's Helpdesk at Gloucestershire Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 01452 426565. To find out more about the MASH visit

Pastoral Care & Welfare Support

In order to create an outstanding climate for learning, it is important for us at Al-Ashraf Primary School that our pupils feel happy, supported and cared for in order to offer their best in the classroom.

We have therefore set a pastoral system in place which we believe will provide the support and guidance that students need to help and guide them through any issues that may be affecting their emotional, physical or mental wellbeing.

Maulana Abdullah AS Patel (HT) is our Pastoral Care & Pupil Welfare Lead.

He is available via email:

Alternatively, a dedicated 'Pastoral Care' box is available by the SENSORY ROOM.

Do not hesitate to contact him if you have any questions.

Well-being Ambassadors


Our aim for the year, is to raise the profile of the role of the Wellbeing Champions and to embed the new role across the school.

Their role

Wellbeing Ambassadors are pupils who have shown a real interest in championing positive mental health and wellbeing. These pupils are keen to share their learning around mental health and advertise the importance of self-care. The Ambassadors have a responsibility for leading and promoting wellbeing throughout school, they drive the message forward and release the stigma around talking about challenging feelings and encourage people to talk. Wellbeing Ambassadors provide feedback on what’s working well and highlight any gaps in whole-school approaches to wellbeing. There are four children from Year 3 - Year 6.

The role of the Wellbeing Ambassador was decided by the team and is listed below:

  1. To spread happiness and peace throughout the school.
  2. To welcome new children and staff to the school.
  3. To be kind, caring and helpful towards others.
  4. To always treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.
  5. To promote and put into place the 'Five Ways to Wellbeing' (Connect, Take Notice, Give, Keep Learning and Be Active).
  6. To always follow God's word.

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House Points
Uthman: 82
Umar: 67
Abu Bakar: 45
Ali: 45

© 2025 Al-Ashraf Primary School and Nursery | Stratton Road, Gloucester, GL1 4HB, (01452) 503533