Careers Overview
Aims and Objectives
- To develop students’ aspirations, self-awareness and participation in careers education.
- To encourage students to make good use of resources available to them in order that they can make well informed decisions throughout their school journey and beyond.
- To adopt a whole-school careers approach across all teaching staff.
- To maintain a good working relationship between the school and outside agencies.
- To create mechanisms for feedback from staff, students and parents about the delivery and availability of careers, so that the procedures and delivery can be continually evaluated and improved.
- To ensure that all students have the transferable skills required by employers at the end of Year 11. These transferable skills will give them the career management skills they need for their future working life.
- To motivate and encourage every student to not only achieve their full potential academically but to also make the most of enrichment opportunities as well as work experience.
- To monitor and evaluate destination information for Year 11 leavers.
The aim of the KS3 careers programme is to start the students exploring the world beyond school. Careers lessons form part of the Personal Development programme and include:
- What’s a career? Discover the careers information area in your school
- What are the jobs of the future? Predict the jobs that will exist and the skills you’ll need
- What’s your dream job? Match your classmates to their top job
- Your future career
- Analyse your strengths and weaknesses
- Have you got the skills you need?
- Careers: how can you find out more? Start researching future jobs
- How can you showcase your strengths? Write down activities that have helped you grow your skills
- What are your values? Play the Values game to find out more
- What are transferable skills? Discover where else your skills can be applied
- Raising aspirations
- What is education all about? Discuss the value of learning
- What difference would a degree make? Discover how a degree could benefit you
- What could you study at uni?
The focus for careers in Year 10 and 11 is to develop the key principles of life and employability skills through a personal programme of activities to enable students to gain the knowledge, understanding, skills, attitudes and attributes required to make well informed choices about their future pathways and to enable them to manage their careers and sustain employment throughout their lives.
We aim to prepare students for their Post 16 options and destinations, whilst considering the labour market to help support students’ future career intentions and help inform future education and training plans.
The careers programme is enhanced by extracurricular activities and events. These include Careers Fayres, mock interviews, guest speakers, visits to NEC ‘What Next?’ National Skills & Careers Shows, plus individual student interviews and guidance.
The dedicated careers lessons throughout KS4 year cover:
- Developing an invaluable set of life and employability skills essential for a successful career in the 21st century.
- Developing an awareness of their individual strengths, weaknesses, skills and aptitudes and how these link to possible careers, future education and training.
- Ensuring that they are well briefed on careers through resources, guest speakers and visits and work-related learning so they can make informed choices about their future lives.
- Taking responsibility for their own behaviour, attendance, punctuality and attitude to learning in order to support them in becoming prepared for success as an adult in the workplace.
Sessions include:
- Following your passion - develop students’ aspirations, self-awareness and participation
- Financial management
- Guest Speakers
- Employment rights and legislation in employment
- Entrepreneurialism - collaboration with Business Studies
- Self-employment
- Competitive job markets
- Health and safety
- CV writing
- Labour market information
- Options available Post 16 including information on vocational education qualifications and apprenticeships
- Interview technique
- Individual careers interviews and guidance
- Employability skills and personal branding
- Preparation for work experience
- Work Experience Week
- Personal reflection and action planning
- How do you work out what subjects to study? Discover the factors that can help you decide
- What subjects do you need for certain careers? Explore the impact of subject choices
- Have you opened a bank account? Learn how to compare banks
- How can you prepare for exam success? Revision tips to help you do your best
- How can you make the most of your money? Find out how to make your money go further
- Save or spend? Create a budget and manage your money
Virtual Talk with local entrepreneur: Viva Andrada O’Flynn from Love Viva Cakes and Crafts.
We have organised careers visit to the NEC, Birmingham for Year 11 pupils on Saturday 5th March, 11:30 – 13:30 (IA). This event is the ideal platform for students to find out more about careers and higher education opportunities to help them decide what to do after leaving school.
Monday 29th November 2021
Cat Nicklin, Deputy Head of Sith Form, Ribston School lead a careers session to guide pupils on their choice of A-Level subjects.
Sunday 10th October, 12-5pm
University of Gloucestershire, Oxstalls Campus