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Citizenship / PSHE / RSE


Purpose of study

Citizenship education in Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 aims to help pupils relate to, understand and contribute to the communities they live in. It encourages pupils to take an interest in topical issues and to engage in discussion and debate.

Through Citizenship education it is hoped that pupils will:

  • Increase the knowledge, skills and values relevant to the nature and practices of participative democracy.
  • Gain a wider understanding of their rights and responsibilities needed for the development of active citizenship.
  • Gain a developed understanding of the communities they live in.
  • Have a stronger sense of how they can contribute to and how to make their views count in society.
  • Develop respect for other people beyond their own culture and faith, especially to the protected characteristics set out in the 2010 Equality Act. (Click here to view poster).

Similarly, PSHE aims to equip pupils with the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to live healthy, safe and responsible lives. The subject covers a range of relevant topics including lessons in citizenship, social skills, personal safety, life changes and achievements, physical, mental and sexual health, personal wellbeing and about their values and the values of others. The subject educates students on these topics as well as giving them an understanding of how to responsibly challenge prejudice and discrimination and encouraging students to reflect on their own relationships, attributes and contributions to the wider society. The overall aim of PSHE is to ensure our students are able to deal with situations and make informed choices now and in the future.


Al-Ashraf Secondary School believes that teaching RSE and RE is essential for students in the hope that they can learn how best to navigate through the complexities of interpersonal relationships. Relationships can be filled with challenges, with a variety of ups and downs being experienced throughout a person’s lifetime.

At AASSG, we want pupils to develop positive strategies that will hopefully enable them to have, enter into and maintain happy, healthy and positive relationships from adolescence through to adulthood.

Through the RSE and RE curriculum, we hope that pupils can use the knowledge they acquire to make important decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships.

We hope that pupils will feel better equipped to make sound decisions when facing risks, challenges and complex situations.

The topics covered in the RSE and RE curriculum can help pupils to know how and when to ask for help and access support.

AASSG believes that the evidence-based, age-appropriate teaching of RSE and RE can enable us to promote the spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental and physical develop of pupils.

At AASSG, we have chosen to implement a curriculum specially designed by, The Association of Muslim Schools (AMS), a curriculum which is:

  • Faith based with a clear Islamic narrative
  • Has been checked thoroughly by renowned scholars
  • In-line with statutory guidance
  • Designed to be taught in a manner that parents agree with and feel confident that the content is being delivered in a sensitive manner

Curriculum Intent

Key Stage 3

Key Stage 4

Pupils' Work

Anti-Bullying Week 2024

Year 9 Anti-Bullying Poems

Citizenship Day 2019

Friday 25th October 2019

‘Broadening Horizons’ – An outstanding initiative to enable pupils to experience a wide range of activities outside the classroom, develop key skills, enhance SMSC development and cross-curricular links.


Citizenship / PSHE / RSE Resources

Information for Parents

PSHE - Water Safety Information

RSE Parent Letter

RSE Parent Information

© 2025 Al-Ashraf Secondary School for Girls | Sinope Street, Gloucester, GL1 4AW, (01452) 300465