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Fiqh (basic Islamic jurisprudence)

Purpose of study

The purpose of Fiqh is to attain an in-depth understanding of the basic tenets and practices of Islam. Fiqh constitutes the boundaries outlined by Allah which govern the way rituals ought to be practiced and should, therefore, be adhered to. The principles of Islamic Jurisprudence deals with the derivation of laws relating to all matters of worship, dealings or any type of act conducted in this life from the Qur’an and the Sunnah (lifestyle) of His Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). Subsequently, studying Fiqh helps to better understand religion, revealing the path to augment the quality of worship by arriving at the rules which will lead to happiness in this life and the next.


We aim to ensure that, within Fiqh lessons, all students:

  • Build self-confidence in relation to the practical tenets of Islam.
  • Understand the reasoning behind rules and regulations in Islam.
  • Understand the significance and virtues of various worship, with references to the Holy Qur’an and Hadith.
  • Have a basic awareness of the rules and regulations relating to personal hygiene, rites and worship, socially related topics etc.
  • Develop a deeper appreciation of the tenets of Islam.
  • Reflect upon individual manner of worship and personal devotion to Allah (SWT).

Pupils' Work


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