School Rules
Parents/carers are requested to go through the school rules and carefully with their daughters. They should be read in conjunction with the school behaviour and attendance policies.
The school is a happy harmonious learning community where staff and pupils feel safe and secure. School life is characterised by a calm purposeful environment underpinned by relationships built upon mutual respect. Our expectation is that all pupils will behave in appropriate and socially acceptable ways.
Attendance & Punctuality
- Authorised absences are mornings or afternoons away from school for a good reason such as illness or other unavoidable causes. Unauthorised absences are those which the school does not consider reasonable and for which no permission has been given. (see Attendance policy for details)
- Pupils must arrive punctually to school. If registration is taking place away from the classroom, e.g. science lab or ICT suite, pupils must arrive before 8.45am in the mornings and 1:45 pm in the afternoons to avoid a late mark.
- Permission must be obtained from the Head Teacher/Deputy Head to be absent for any reason other than illness. If such permission is not obtained then a phone call to the school must be made in the first instance for any unauthorised absence. The school will also contact parents by phone in the mornings/afternoons to notify them if their daughter is absent. Ofsted regulations clearly state that pupils cannot stay at home to look after siblings, visit relatives, go to airports and go on shopping trips etc. during school time.
- No one will be allowed to leave the school premises during break times. At lunch time, only pupils living locally will be able to go home for lunch provided parents give consent. Pupils should go home immediately and avoid loitering in the streets/shops and behaving in a disorderly manner. If pupils make a habit of returning late to school in the afternoons, the option of being allowed to go home for lunch will be taken away from them.
- Medical, dental or other appointments should be kept outside school hours. If for some unavoidable reason, an appointment has to be kept during school hours, prior permission must be obtained if possible, otherwise an appointment card MUST be shown to the school office.
- Behaviour must be courteous at all times and movement around the school should be orderly. Rude and insulting language will never be tolerated and appropriate sanctions will be applied as per school behaviour policy.
- Respect for teachers, all members of staff and fellow pupils should be shown at all times.
- Pupils should display a willingness to apply themselves during lessons at all times and develop an aptitude for learning. Homework should be completed appropriately and on time. Thorough revision is essential for all assessments, tests and end-of-year exams.
- Pupils must read, understand, sign and adhere to the pupil IT acceptable use policy.
- Break times must be spent outside in the playground, unless there is heavy rain. At lunch times, pupils must eat their lunch sitting down in the dining area of the hall.
- Name calling, teasing and all other forms of bullying will never be tolerated and will be dealt with appropriately according to the school anti-bullying policy. (Refer to Anti-Bullying policy)
- Pupil should bring a nutritious snack/well-balanced lunch to school. Chewing gum is strictly prohibited on school premises. (Refer to Healthy Eating policy)
- All pupils must be punctual with their Salaah and when unable to perform Salaah, the time should be spent in Zikr
Uniform and Personal Appearance
- Correct uniform must be worn at all times – including journeys to and from school and during school outings, unless otherwise specified. A uniform pass must be obtained from the school office if incorrect uniform is worn due to a valid reason.
- The hijaab should be worn neatly at all times. A safety pin or scarf pin can be used to hold the hijaab in place.
- Jewellery and make up (including nail varnish) must not be worn.
Personal Property and Forbidden Articles
- All personal property must be clearly marked with the name of the owner. P.E. kit must not be left at school, but should be taken home for washing after every lesson.
- Inappropriate books/magazines, cameras, IPads, IPods, mp3/4 players, electronic games, valuables, excessive amount of money etc. should not be brought into school and will be confiscated.
- Mobile Phones may be brought into school, but should be handed into the school office each morning and collected at the end of the school day. Phones not handed in will be confiscated and returned only at the end of the term.
- All school property should be duly respected. In the event of loss or damage, a replacement fee will be charged. This includes official school forms handed out to pupils i.e.…Detention Forms, Report Acknowledgement Forms etc. Textbooks and exercise books must NOT be de-faced with graffiti.
- Homework diaries/school planners must be brought to school daily. These should be filled in everyday with details of homework, signed by parents/carers and countersigned by subject teachers. Parents should ensure that all homework is completed thoroughly and on time.
Relevant Policies
We strongly recommend parents/carers and pupils read the following school policies:
- Anti-bullying policy
- Behaviour policy
- Attendance policy
- Healthy Eating policy
- Pupil IT acceptable use policy